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Opening Arguments

Wrong rules

Unconstitutional as hell:

If you have a political sign on your property and live in Terre Haute continue reading!

There are a few rules you must follow. One, you can not have more than one sign per candidate on your property. Two, the sign can not exceed more than 32-square feet. Lastly they can not be up for more than three months at a time.

But if nobody challenges the rules, it doesn't matter. Where's the ACLU when we need it?


tim zank
Fri, 10/31/2008 - 3:35pm

The aclu is kind of tied up with Acorn right now, making sure the vans are running and the ripple is "chilled"....

Bob G.
Sat, 11/01/2008 - 6:17pm


Back in Philly we had ads on TV like this:
"King Solomon wine...buy it by the GALLON...STILL only $2.95!"
Or..."What's the word?...THUNDERBIRD"

A ghetto bum's best friend (next to the head lice & crabs)


William Larsen
Mon, 11/03/2008 - 2:05pm

It is only one step above Fort Wayne's sign ordianance. I drive along Dupont and see 37 signs (preyfast, garage sale, singles and more). So much for the sign ordinance that people wanted. Now few people know who is running. I get questions from people asking who is running where can I find out who is on the ballot. Yes, candidates abused the right to put signs up and the city council took it away. If we are going to rely on the media to report on the candidates issues, then we will need a total make over at the the morning paper. I say bring back signs!
