Justaposition of the day.
From the "Winners" column of The Journal Gazette's "Weekly scorecard" on Saturday:
Voters: A federal appeals court strikes down Texas’ tough voter ID law, ruling it puts “strict, unforgiving burdens on the poor.” The court said the Texas law is tougher than Indiana’s, which the Supreme Court upheld.
And from the Sunday Raleigh News & Observer:
RALEIGH A Raleigh-based group devoted to reducing the potential for voter fraud presented the N.C. Board of Elections on Friday with a list of nearly 30,000 names of dead people statewide who are still registered to vote.
The Voter Integrity Project compiled the list after obtaining death records from the state Department of Public Health from 2002 to March 31 and comparing them to the voter rolls.“Mainly, what we’re concerned about is the potential [for fraud],” said project director Jay DeLancy. “Since there is no voter ID law in North Carolina, anybody can walk in and claim to be anyone else.”
Can you imagine how hard it must be as an attorney to walk in to court and argue (with a straight ace) that this is somehow a burden to anyone?
Hilarious, absolutely hilarious...
"straight face"....
Huh. So voter rolls lag behind death certificates. Everyone already knew that. So where's the actual fraud?
I found one a while ago... which was a aRepublican having his "former companion" continue to vote for years after her death, via absentee ballot.
Which voter ID laws do nothing to prevent.
Of course, it would help if the conservatives didn't have people like Mike Turzai stupidly admitting the real purpose of voter ID laws: "Voter ID, which is going to allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania: Done."
Huh. So voter rolls lag behind death certificates. Everyone already knew that. So where's the actual fraud?
There is no way to PROVE fraud if you don't have to prove who you are. Voter I.D. addresses that problem just like they are doing tonight at the DNC convention, you can't get in without a photo I.D. One would think the Dems would understand the folly in that...
I found one a while ago... which was a aRepublican having his "former companion" continue to vote for years after her death, via absentee ballot.
Which voter ID laws do nothing to prevent.
Entirely different problem which needs to be addressed as well. Absentee voting is waaay out of control.
Of course, it would help if the conservatives didn't have people like Mike Turzai stupidly admitting the real purpose of voter ID laws: "Voter ID, which is going to allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania: Done."
Absolutely nothing wrong with Turzai's comment, translated by thinking people it means if illegal (cheating) voters aren't allowed to vote, Romney would win. No one disenfranchised at all except ILLEGAL CHEATING voters...
To object to voter I.D. simply illustrates you are either really really stupid, or you are just a liar. There are no other choices....
In Pennsylvania, if your driver's license says John Q. Adams, and your voter's registration says John Quincy Adams or John Adams, you can't vote.
If you are registered as residing at "123 Main Street" and your driver's license says "123 Main St.", you can't vote.
Sure, you can get it fixed for NEXT time, if you remember, but you're not going to vote THIS year.
Someone compared thousands of voter registrations wit DMV records, and found 23% of the voters are disenfranchised if they expect to use their driver's license.
Want to cheat? You can use photo ID from any post-HS school in the state, including auctioneering schools, and schools teaching palm-reading.
Sure glad our legislators are concentrating on rebuilding our ecenomy.
No one gets into the Democratic national convention without an ID and nobody gets within a block of the president without having an ID check. You can't get money from a bank teller, you cannot get a prescription filled, a x-ray, CAT scan, etc. without ID.
What world are the anti-voting ID folks living in? ID's work fine at the voting places in Fort Wayne. I have never observed or heard of a major problem.
Time for the libs to walk away from this insanity. Everyone knows that securing votes by the illegals and the unregistered are the name of the game with the Dems.
I read where dead people amd snow birds registered in more than one jurisdiction are huge problems in Florida - so lets turn attention to cleaning up registrations.
"There is no way to PROVE fraud if you don't have to prove who you are."
But it should be easy to prove dead people have voted after the fact... yet neither you or anyone else has ever produced evidence of this. Ever.
"Entirely different problem which needs to be addressed as well."
Yet it's not. Coincidentally, that wouldn't affect nearly as many non-white non-conservative people. Imagine that.
"Absolutely nothing wrong with Turzai's comment"
As long as you're ok with the racist undertone, I guess.
"No one disenfranchised at all except ILLEGAL CHEATING voters."
That exist only in your head and in the heads of other conspiracy theorist tinfoil hat types, like gadfly there. The only illegal cheating voter I've seen lately is your absentee-voting republican friend up there. But maybe he's really a reptoid? Maybe you should get on Above Top Secret again and find out for us, Zank. XD
Dept. of Lulz Update!