Well, we can certainly dream:
Vice President Joe Biden said today that if Democrats were to lose 35 House seats they currently hold in traditionally Republican districts, it would mean doomsday for President Obama's agenda.
It isn't enough to make Obama a one-term president considering all the damage he could do in four years. If Republicans can take 40 seats next year, they get contol of the House back and can stop some programs and kill others before they become entrenched.
Sure- the GOP handed the country over in FINE SHAPE!
Kevin...here's a simple analogy: just because someone hands over a car to you with some problems, you still should not set it on fire and drive it full speed into a brick wall.
Doesn't really solve the existing problems, but I will admit it does eliminate them.
"Some problems" doesn't even begin to cover it.
More like Bush and company ran the thing off the road into a tree and left it a smoking heap - fleeing the scene of the crime.
Someday, Dems will have to face the fact that they actually WON. They are in control of BOTH houses, and the White House and still can't accomplish a damn thing except writing checks, which of course are gonna bounce eventually.
The dog ate my homework excuse won't work forever fellas.
That's OK Tim, we know you'll never be satisfied. Sure, it's disappointing that Obama & company can't fix nearly a decade of damage done in less than a year, but I can see how you'd reasonably expect everything to be instantly better the moment things changed over.
Uh....Michaelk...the line you used "expect everything to be instantly better the moment things changed over." was pretty much the Democrats mantra leading up the Election of the Messiah.
HE'S the one who said he COULD change everything, remember? I seem to remember "smitten citizens" on television rejoicing about NOT having to worry about their car payments, their jobs, their healthcare, or virtually anything because "Hope & Change had been elected."
The only thing this empy suit is changing is the economic prosperity of the greatest nation on earth into the equivalent of a 3rd world banana republic.
"economic prosperity"??????
hmmmmm.....seems to me that BUSH was in charge when things went to hell
Ok Kevin, here's another analoagy in terms even liberals should be able to comprehend.
When you arrive at the scene of a fire, pour WATER on it instead of GASOLINE.
It will go out much quicker.
Friends shouldn't let timothy drink and comment.