The recent session of the General Assembly wasn't just about bitter partisanship over a new, two-year budget, although it certainly seemed that way at times. Hoosier lawmakers also spent 29 hours of the session -- yes, someone actually added up the time -- on resolutions, those "back-patting measures with no actual impact." Sugar cream pie was named the official state pie. Gary native Michael Jackson was memorialized. People celebrating 100th birtdays were honored, as were any high school sports teams who bothered to show up and get "recognized."
The author of the article -- Eric Bradner of the Evansville Courier & Press -- gives Fort Wayne's own David Long, president pro tem of the Senate, the dubious honor of having the session's greatest-hits reel, having introduced resolutions "to thank lobbyists who provided soda, candy, milk, popcorn and other snacks to the Senate." Here is an excerpt from Long's heart-felt tribute to popcorn:
“Whereas, Enacting legislation worthy of Indiana citizens is stressful. Long hours of deliberation in committee hearings, meetings, and in session drive many dedicated members and staff to the point of exhaustion;
Always warms my heart to know my tax dollars are being spent well, on important government business.