Can somebody please shut this guy up so I don't have to take a few days off work, get in the car, drive to South Carolina, hunt him down and kick him where he deserves to be kicked?
"I don't want to blow up my time in politics," he told the AP. "I don't want to blow up future earning power, I don't want to blow up the kids' lives. I don't want to blow up 20 years that we've invested. But if I'm completely honest, there are still feelings in the way. If we keep pushing it this way, we get those to die off, but they're still there and they're still real."
He has trouble, he said, shutting down the love he feels for Maria Belen Chapur, the Argentine woman he first met in 2001.
Sanford also said he's "crossed the lines" with a handful of other women during 20 years of marriage, but not as far as he did with Chapur and not since the two met.
[. . .]
He insists he can fall back in love with his wife, Jenny, even as he witnesses his "own political funeral."
So, he can't forget the love of his life, but he's ready to "fall back in love" with his wife. Uh, huh; bet his wife really liked hearing that. Sorry, pal, that's as over as your political career unless your wife is much more of a jellyfish than she's seemed so far. In the words of "SCTV," you blowed that up real good.
And, as Count Floyd would no doubt remark:
"That's REALLY SCARY, kids"...!
(blowed up real good...yep)