The city of Gary is accused of racial discrimination in its hiring of paramedics, and the irony is so thick that it makes one want to set "what goes around, comes around" to music and hire a brass band to play it:
The federal government is suing the city of Gary over accusations the city discriminated against white applicants for paramedic jobs.
In a lawsuit filed Monday in Hammond federal court by the U.S. Department of Justice, federal civil rights lawyers accuse Gary officials of violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by hiring six black applicants for emergency medical technician jobs in October 2006. Several white applicants were ranked higher than some of those black applicants on a city list that was supposed to determine who would be hired, according to the lawsuit.
The federal government, eh? But wasn't the federal government a leading advocate of "affirmative action," that policy that required the hiring of lesser qualified minorities instead of more qualified whites while pretending that such a practice was meant to end discrimination instread of obviously furthering it? Now the feds are busting Gary for, well, hiring lesser qualified minorities? Man, you just can't keep ahead of the game when they make the rules up as they go along.
I among those who hope the election of Barack Obama will begin to end all this racial-identity-politics nonsense. I am not among those who think it actually will.
That makes TWO (more) of us then, Leo.
Not that this makes Gary's actions more defensible, but the city (says it ) rejected the white applicants because they live outside Gary and a city ordinance requires hiring Gary residents. The Department of Justice apparently doesn't see that as an excuse.