The leader of the Indiana Senate says he's taking gambling issues off the table during the upcoming special session so lawmakers can focus on putting together a new state budget.
Senate President Pro Tem David Long, R-Fort Wayne, said Thursday the Senate will consider only one bill — the budget. Gambling issues would be a distraction in the special legislative session, he said, and should be sent instead to a study commission for review later. Long said he would relegate any gaming bills proposed in the June special session to a committee where they would die without getting a hearing.
Of course, House Speaker Pat Bauer is lurking in the shadows, waiting for a chance to pounce. Long and the governor say they might try to deal with Indianapolis' Capital Improvement Board funding problem. That, Bauer says, could open the door to other economic development efforts, and that could mean gambling. Well, easy solution there, don't you think? Can't go through a door if it ain't opened.
Hell, Pat (nice rug) Bauer isn't waiting for ANY door...betcha he'd much rather find a nice, partially-obscured WINDOW to "sneak (or break) the hell in"!