Another justice ready to bite the dust?
Justice John Paul Stevens has so far hired just one law clerk for the Supreme Court term starting in October 2010, a court spokeswoman confirmed on Wednesday. That may be an indication that Justice Stevens, 89, is considering retiring next year.
Supreme Court justices generally have four law clerks, while retired justices have one.
At least it's another liberal, which means anybody President Obama picks as a replacement won't be likely to change the court's 4-4-1 makeup. As the Times article points out, losing Stevens as a stragegist would likely leave the liberal justices in a weakened position. On the other hand, they would be a younger, more vigorous group.
Continued good health to Anthony Kennedy!
At 89, I'm not sure I would buy green bananas -- as the saying goes -- let alone hire new law clerks.
Long live Antonin Scalia!