Proof that Indiana is not out of the political mainstream -- we have imaginary congressional districts, too!
The imaginary 00, 10th, 11th, 14th, and 18th Congressional Districts of Indiana have, according to, made a tax dollar windfall of about $5.3 million, and 'created or saved' 9 jobs - all of which obviously can't exist in these fake districts.
Imaginary jobs, imaginary districts, imaginary money. Too bad, though -- what a scoop if it were true; 9 jobs saved or created at a cost of only $5.3 million!
Be nice to go buy about 20 acres in those districts and really settle down...AND be able to "avoid" those nasty property taxes along the way...
(now...about all the SHOPPING there...)
Hope-n-Change Baby! It's happening in all 57 states!!!
Perhaps the money would be better spent on civics education so that the people filling out the reports have a better notion of which Congressional district they are in.
Be for real Doug, you honestly think it was an "input" error? That many times all over the country to boot? What, are you related to Joe Biden?