And I thought Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard was a sensible Republican with good conservative instincts:
Recycling is one of Mayor Greg Ballard's top priorities, and he wants to give more homeowners an incentive to reduce waste and preserve resources, Ballard spokesman Robert Vane said.
One of his goals . . . is to get curbside recycling at a drastically reduced rate as a way to promote participation in the program," Vane said.
As feel-good nonsense that often does more harm than good, recycling is one of those annoyances we just have to put up with whenever Democrats are in charge. A Republican who goes this overboard on the concept should be dragged to a re-education camp.
Deferring for the moment an evaluation of whether or not this mayor's proposal in question "goes overboard," Leo, is it your position that sensible Republicans with good conservative instincts should oppose recyling on principle or oppose the way that it has been poorly practiced in certain instances?
Michael B-P..I can't speak for Leo, but my opposition has always been to the the folly with which recycling programs have been implemented.
As is always the case, if you want to take a well intentioned idea and make it expensive, inefficient, and an over all money sucking loser, just let the government do it. (see post office & amtrak for similarities)
Brother, have you got THAT one correct!
(let's NOT forget the Treasury Department in that mix)
Michael . . .
Follow the route of the Mobro 4000 in 1987; see the environmental idiocy that transpired after the barge docked; and marvel at the economic travesty that has resulted from the Mobro Follies. Click here.
I'm not sure what picture you draw from the PM article you cited, gadfly, but the bottom line there appears to be that while the market for recyclables fluctuates market values are gradually finding a baseline. Moreover, the article refers to energy input to output ratios that while widely variable according to the material being recycled nevertheless indicate overall positive results. So, if there's an adverse economic balance to the recyling equation in general, this article certainly doesn't seem to be emphasizing that downside. The Mobro fiasco certainly wasn't the central point of the article either.