Conservatives created Barack Obama and his vision of the Europeanization of America, and so have themselves to blame for the current recessional, as the present as we have known it fades into the past.
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So the Republicans betrayed their own principles and allowed the Democrats in 2006 and 2008 to run against deficits in order that they could enlarge deficits, convinced that the natural opposition was long ago discredited.
It's especially galling to watch the liberals having a field day on the TV-talk circuit. Every time a conservative tries to make a reasonable point about excessive spending or governmental reach, the liberal gets to say, "I have to listen to a lecture on fiscal discipline from the likes of you?" and doesdn't have to defend the liberals' even greater lack of dis
Conservatives still out number liberals on the political talk show circuit for some reason. And, in any case, the antidote is relatively simple -- just start trotting out all of those fiscal conservatives who were vocally opposed to the Bush budgets.
Republicans and democrats both make me sick. Maybe it is not term we place on people that make us sick, but the individual elected representatives themselves who make us sick. We tend to lump them into one of two buckets.
Too bad we cannot simply pass a a law outlawing political parties.
You may be on to something there, William. I'm beginning to think that the "my side" vs "your side" propensity in human beings which fuels politics and relgion tends to inhibit understanding and incite hostility between people, more often than not, and axiomatically drop collective intelligence by at least 50 points.