The portable TV next to my computer terminal is tuned to the Inaugural. Three quick thoughts:
1. The announcer sounds like one of those guys telling us about the daredevil races: "Be sure to come to the track this Sunday, SUNday, SUNDAY, for THRILLS, SPILLS and CHILLS." When the vice president-elect came down, I almost expected to hear: "Biden, BiDEN, BIDEN."
2. They chickened out on "Barack Hussein Obama" and went with Barack H. Obama.
3. No hats, again. Sorry, haberdashers.
UPDATE: Lovely music from the quartet, appropriately playing an Aaron Copland piece. (It's on Youube already, naturally. I should have listened more closely -- it's an original piece by John Williams, who used the same "Simple Gifts" tune that Copland did and gave it a very Coplandesque treatment.)
And he went for it in the oath: I, Barack Hussein Obama . . .
I know, Leo...I had to tune in JUST because of the "solemnity" of the ceremonies, and then heard this announcer with the WWF crescendo-riddled voice proclaiming the "next event"...
So, where's the womens tag teams at, anyway???
Too cold?
Fine by me.