Finally, someone realizes that it is OK to make fun of a black, liberal president:
Good evening, everybody, I would like to welcome you to the 10-day anniversary of my first 100 days," the president told a ballroom full of Washington reporters and editors and celebrity guests. "My name is Barack Obama; most of you cover me. All of you voted for me."
Now if the nation's spineless, cowering comedians can just follow suit. It's not like there isn't going to plenty of material. I mean, come on -- health care. Hilarious!
He's got a pass for life, he's black, it's just a fact of life anymore.
1. Famous white conservative admits to previously abusing prescription drugs. Result? 3 years (so far) of front page headlines and talk show jokes.
2. Famous black elected official holding the highest office in the land admits to previously smoking a lot of dope, and "doin' a little blow". Result? No ramifications whatsoever. An absolute pass.
Absolutely mind-boggling isn't it?
Famous "first black president" William J. Bubba's boobie doll admits to doin' a blow on Bubba in the highest office in the land. Result? A famous cigar.