What is this, 1968 again?
The parents of a former Greensburg Junior High basketball player are asking a federal court to declare the team's haircut policy unconstitutional.
In a lawsuit filed last week in U.S. District Court in Indianapolis, Patrick and Melissa Hayden say team rules governing the length of players' hair violate their son's right to wear his hair the way he wants and also treat male and female athletes differently because female players don't have to adhere to the same guidelines.
Their 14-year-old son, identified as A.H. in the lawsuit, was kicked off the team this fall after he refused to cut his hair to comply with team rules, which require players' hair to be above their eyebrows, collars and ears.
So, A.H. wants to be on the team, but wants to assert his individuality. Bet that makes him a terrific player. "I have the ball now, and I will pass it to you when you show sufficient appreciation for my ball-holding ability, and not a second sooner." The attorney for the parents says they're trying to teach their son "a life lesson" that "you fight for what's right." It's a right to participate in extracurricular activities without following the rules for that activity?
I don't believe that it's a "right" as much as a PRIVILEGE to be selected to play on any sports team, or to participate in ANY extracurricular activites.
And as a privilege, one is subject to the "guidelines' established BY that activity...
(after all, they have a REASON for those rules and regulations, right?)
Case dismissed.
(And Happy New Year)
"The attorney for the parents says they
"So if there
I can see both sides of this issue. Carroll high school renovated and built another gum, the third one adding millions to construction. With the two previous gyms, they certainly had the space for required gym classes, but they used taxpayer money so that the entire school could watch basketball games, attend pep events to get the team energized etc.
Using taxpayer money to fund an extracurricular activity makes it more of right than a privilege. You have the right to try out for the team and if you are good enough, not based on looks, you should be allowed to play.
I would like to know the reasoning behind differences between women and men hair requirements. It may be that women have to have it up, so maybe all the kid has to do is wear a swim cap.
Extracurricular activity rules must not contradict a state or federal statute. This is identified in FWCS student rights and policies. However, from experience, FWCS does not follow the law either.