"Strange old world just keeps getting stranger" department:
Some schools across the country have banned alcohol-based sanitizers from
classrooms. These products can pose a serious poisoning risk to children if
consumed inappropriately. Not only do today`s most-common sanitizers consist of
up to 70 percent ethyl alcohol, a higher alcohol percentage than many hard
liquors, in 2006 The Association of Poison Control Centers reported 12,000 cases
of child-related alcohol poisoning linked to alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
Honest, officer, I haven't had a thing to drink. I just used my hand sanitizer, then scratched my nose, that's all.
I don't know quite what to make of the linked article, by the way. It appears to be a news story from Reuters, but the last several paragraphs seem to be an advertisment for Smart & Silky Instant Foaming Hand Sanitizer, one of the non-alcohol products out there. Before the FTC launches an inquiry into whether I'm getting paid for this, I hasten to add that I prefer my aloe-scented sanitizer, a mere 62 percent ethyl alcohol.
So, you're trying to "get your jag on" through skin absorbtion, correct?
(wonder how many kids will "get drunk" in that manner...and can we run our VEHICLES On something with THAT MUCH alcohol???)
Hand-Santizer futures will SKYROCKET!
Gimme that white library paste ANY day!