Guess it's a sign of tough times when people decide improving their minds has to give way to more basic concerns. In the "One Book" programs gaining popularity in the country, communities read and discuss novels such as "Grapes of Wrath" and "To Kill a Mockingbird." Here in Fort Wayne, we've done "Frankenstein" and "Fahrenheit 451." But for "Hamilton County Reads," they're going to tackle "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" by Barbar Kingsolver, which sets out to prove "that a local diet is not just better for the economy and the environment but also better on the table."
WWPL is hosting several special events relating to this program:
April 2, at 6:30 p.m., Bill Rice, Educator with Purdue Extension in Hamilton County, will be at the Westfield Washington Public Library to talk about "How to Start a Vegetable Garden." Bill specializes in Agriculture and Natural Resources and will have expert advice for helping you and your family eat fresh from the garden!
Oh, I get it. The green movement has made it even to small-town Indiana. They need help on starting a vegetable garden in Westfield?
As someone who used to have nothing but a garden of concrete back in Philly, but now enjoys a nice REAL garden next to the patio HERE...what "help" would I need, really?
Lemme see...
1) go to place that sells veggie plants.
2) buy what you like.
3) go home & plant 'em.
4) sit back for a month or two.
5) water as needed, feed as prescribed.
6) pick, rinse & eat.
So easy, a cavem...oh well, you get the idea.
(fresh tomatoes anyone?)
OK, a quiz. Which do you think is the best taste in the world? A tomato right off the vine? Or a newly picked ear of corn thrown immediately into boiling water? Damn, now I'm hungry.
Leo's crypto-veganism is finally surfacing through that bristly facade of libertarian reactionary antienvironmentalism. Okay, time to go back to reading my organic gardening manual.
Are you NUTS? The best way to eat either the corn OR the tomato is with a half-inch thick New York Strip medium rare.