Gary Mayor Rudy Clay, announcing the appointment of Gary Carter as new police chief -- the sixth in four years -- gets today's "Huh?" award:
Clay says he didn't demote former Chief Reginald Harris last week because of the crime wave, but that he expected Carter to end it.
Splendid doubletalk
You want a police chief to END crime?
Simple...let the police DO THE JOB you HIRED them for...period.
None of the hand-holding, politically-correct BS.
Stop stroking the egos, and start cuffing the thugs.
Come down hard, come down often, and keep coming down UNTIL these numbnut perps "get the hint".
Laws apply to EVERYONE, or they mean nothing.
It's like Connery in The Untouchables:
"They bring a knife...YOU bring a gun.
They send one of yours to the hospital, YOU send one of THEIRS to the morgue.
That's how you deal with Capone. That's the CHICAGO way".
And THAT is how you deal with crime in general.
Yeah, it's Draconian, but I'm willing to bet it will STILL work.
Golly. Bob sounds tough.
Do you have a big gun, Bob? Do you stand in front of a mirror and snarl, "Make my day"? I'll bet you do.
Sounds even tougher for YOU, "littlejohn"...having to belittle and talk down to others just to stroke your OWN ego.
Making up for personal shortcomings?
Do YOU stand in front of the mirrior and snarl "Make me a man"?
I'll bet YOU do.
Yep, you got me.
Can't think of any big guys named "Littlejohn."
Leo, please explain Robin Hood to this guy. And irony.
Alan're not.
(thank God)
I'm stumped, Bob. Wasn't Alan Hale the Skipper on Gilligan's Island? A thoroughly admirable fellow, I thought.
Does raise a question, though.
The Skipper and Gilligan were both sailors. There were two beautiful young women on the island. How come...?
You see where I'm going with this...
P.S.: May I call you my Little Buddy?
Alan Hale Sr (The Skipper's Dad) played Little John in the movie "RobinHood"...
Thank you.
...guess "we" still know a bit more after all, hmm?
Indeed you do. I have always been nothing if not humble. But you have to admit, Gilligan's Island was truly great TV.
BTW: Another question about GI. If the Professor could build radios, satellites and such out of coconuts, how come he couldn't fix a hole in a boat?
I'm beginning to wonder if Gilligan's Island was something less than scientifically accurate. Nah, couldn't be.