Put a big X over April 2 on your calendars to commemorate the start of the Obama adminisration's rewriting of the American compact:
Congressional Democrats overwhelmingly embraced President Obama's ambitious and expensive agenda for the nation yesterday, endorsing a $3.5 trillion spending plan that sets the stage for the president to pursue his most far-reaching priorities.
Voting along party lines, the House and Senate approved budget blueprints that would trim Obama's spending proposals for the fiscal year that begins in October and curtail his plans to cut taxes. The blueprints, however, would permit work to begin on the central goals of Obama's presidency: an expansion of health-care coverage for the uninsured, more money for college loans and a cap-and-trade system to reduce gases that contribute to global warming.
This country is going to be fair, by God, even if Obama has to take every last dollar from every last taxpayer and pass it out in ways only he in his ultimate wisdom knows to be worthy.
The story did mention, it should be noted, that Democrats do have sharp differences on some things, such as, oh, how to pay for all this nonsense. If Republicans aren't able to mount a revolution against this, there's just no point in having them around, and we should start building a third party now.
10-4 on the 3rd party Leo, but we really only have one now anyway, so what we need is a new 2nd party to replace the weak-knee'd wussies we currently have in the Republican Party.