What Michael Phelps should have said -- I take my apology back because, guess what, it's none of your business:
I work my ass off 10 months a year. It's that hard work that gave you all those gooey feelings of patriotism last summer. If during my brief window of down time I want to relax, enjoy myself, and partake of a substance that's a hell of a lot less bad for me than alcohol, tobacco, or, frankly, most of the prescription drugs most of you are taking, well, you can spare me the lecture.
[. . .]
You don't give a damn about my health. You just get a voyeuristic thrill from watching an elite athlete fall from grace
Actually, given the current economic climate and all the recent hoopla about "change," the truly interesting point to discuss would be the continuing at-large indifference toward a failed public health policy in the matter of marijuana and other drugs. Surely a policy egghead somewhere can see the revenue potential of "tax and regulate" vs "bust and incarcerate." Surely someone with enough credibility among the American would-be intelligencia can still string together a cogent argument against the continuing surrender of rights to enforcers of the failed policy. No? Well, maybe we've been doing too much heavy drinking . . .