What a silly question to ask:
Is a government-dominated health-care system unconstitutional? A strong case can be made for that proposition, based on the same "right to privacy" that underlies such landmark Supreme Court decisions as Roe v. Wade.
Whether government-domionated health care is installed or not (probably yes, unfortuantaely) will dpend on many factors. Constitutionality is not one of them. Half the stuff the government does today is unconstitutional, and nobody gives
The very justices who voted to prohibit the states from restricting abortions said in effect that the right to privacy they perceived to be inferred by language in the 9th and 14th amendments was the basis for their Roe V. Wade decision. Since the judiciary now has the power to invent the "right to privacy," some liberals on the court envision new ways to use this new found right.
Elections have consequences.
Government intervention into healthcare has consequences. Government payments already exceed 45% of healthcare payments (CHP, Medicare, Medicaid and state programs).
Government generated payments are rising at 35% annually, well above those of private payers. Unfortunately, government payments are far less than providers bill them. To make up the difference, private payers are billed at higher rates. Wealth redistribution? Probably.
To pay for his new multi-billion dollar public healthcare, president zero intends to squeeze the money from the providers that are being underpaid already by the government programs.
Through an executive order today, BO squeezed millions from the pharmaceutical companies to eliminate the "donut hole" from Part D Medicare. The donut hole is simply a method used by politicians to move deductible portions of drug coverage to the middle of year instead of at the beginning. Doh! Seniors have never been told by Medicare so they do not know that!
Since Medicare income to cover parts B & D are insufficient right now today to cover outflows, we will have to print bunches of new greenbacks.
. . . and the beat goes on.