The Komets announced Wednesday that former Port Huron Icehawk forwards Derek Patrosso and Brandon Naurato have agreed to terms and will be in a Fort Wayne uniform when the puck drops on 2010-11.
Patrosso, 25, will be entering his third pro year after skating the last two campaigns with the Icehawks in Port Huron. Last year the right winger ranked second in Port Huron scoring with a career high 70 points in 71 games netting 30 goals and passing 40 assists while earning 94 penalty minutes. Patrosso was one of the leaders of the Icehawk's special teams posting 20 power play points (8g, 12a) and two short-handed goals while completing the season with a plus-16.
Naurato, 25, made his pro debut last season appearing in five ECHL games with Toledo before joining Port Huron. The skater scored 25 goals, 46 points and 38 penalty minutes and topped the Icehawks with 11 power play goals. Before turning pro, the Livonia, Michigan native was a member of the University of Michigan Wolverines in the NCAA for four years from 2005-2009.
Patrosso and Naurato skated all seven Port Huron playoff games against the Komets in the first round last year. Naurato scored two goals and six points in his pro playoff debut while Patrosso registered two goals and three points in post-season play.
Hit interesting article but again, no names. Only anonymous sources and since we don't know who those players are or even if they are players, it doesn't hold much water for me.
Not one player that I can remember (and please post the source if I am wrong) has come out and said they have left here because of a low ball/insulting offer.
Contracts are always a bit of a combative issue. These players want as much money as they can get and are rarely ready to admit they are being paid enough.
People who HAVE put their name to quotes have said.....
Aquino on David Franke.....
" are correct. I was reminded to not sink below ground this afternoon so I'll be sticking to facts from here on out.
I am not necessarily arguing that it is the Frankes fault the offers are lower than what the players expect or think they should get. The CHL had a much lower cap last year than the IHL did, and it makes me wonder if this is a league with a cap that sticks to it far more strictly than we have seen in the past years of the UHL/IHL.
To think that players don't leave for more money is simply kidding yourself, not saying that you don't understand that. Because I am sure Colin Chaulk got a far less offer than what he could live with, and decided to go to Europe where the season is less games and more money, he did what he had to do.
Schrock might leave town for a "better" deal in the ECHL where it has been painted that at least one team has offered him something he can't refuse.....Money or 2 way contract? Not for sure. But to sit here and not be frustrated that we once again are losing out to an ECHL that we could very well be involved in....well, for lack of better is frustrating. It has been said that the CHL deal would allow us to keep familiar players on our roster, and so far this summer, we have lost our most heralded player, Chaulk, and I am sure more are to come. Whether it is because of money or whatever, it doesn't matter. We have been sold on the idea that the ECHL was too expensive, travel was too far, and the familiar faces of players would disappear. What is the story for the CHL at this point? You know? We have no real answer do we?
I am willing to give the CHL/IHL thing a far shake. I have said that from day one. But you have to admit that this thing has been very frustrating so far. The teams we are paired with in the IHL part of the league are the weaker teams that have struggled along or are going to struggle being so new. We have watched K-Zoo, Muskegon, Port Huron, and Flint leave.....the 4 stronger teams of the league at one time or the ECHL we have teams within very attractive traveling distance in K-Zoo, Cincy, Wheeling, Toledo, Chicago in a year, I am hearing Rockford in a year, and also hearing one or both of these teams: Des Moines and/or St. Charles.
I understand that we need to give this some time and see what happens....but all the same, time is running and the facts and information that we have currently doesn't give us much to go on, and we lost our favorite player today to top it off.
I for one am frustrated.
I don't hate the Frankes. I think they are great at what they do. I have said that always from day one. They put a great poduct on the ice and have good people in the organization. No complaints there.
Maybe I am not allowed to question some of the paths they take or question what is or isn't going on here. I apologize if that is some rule that I broke. Guess I should get my official blog rule book out and dust it off.
I am a season ticket holder of 12 years, and have been to most every game since 1993-1994. I go on the road to several games a year. I B2 every game on the road, bought the pass. I read, collect, and purchase everything I can get my hands on Komet's. Heck, my first dog's name was Komet, God rest his soul as he passed away 3 weeks ago.....the new Puppy's name happens to be Turner. I advertise the love for my local team on my get the point. Ask anyone who knows me if I love this team, they will role their eyes at the very question.
I am a loyal fan. Period.
So continue to name call me. Continue to bash me. Say things like "you say you won't go to the games anyway"......not sure where that came from as that will never happen to me. I can't get enough Komet hockey. We listened to the Komet game the night I missed a game in 2001 while my wife was giving birth to our first daughter. The only game I missed that season. The same season my daughter became a fan and has had a season ticket every year since as well. Same story with daughter number 2. My family loves the Komets too.
Enough about me, that doesn't mean anything really.
Remember, this is a blog. Not everyone will come here with the same opinion. That is what makes it fun.
What puzzles me is, why are some so defensive on here?
Go Komets!!!
Oh, I made at least 2 typos.....sorry for that too.
Well of course the sources are anonymous. Would you really expect players still in the midst of negotiations to say, "Sure! You can use my name!" Even after the fact, it would be difficult to find someone willing to burn their bridges by going public.
An excuse. Players out the door if they felt snubbed or otherwise shunned would not have a reason to care about what they said out the door.
But again, the issue becomes since we don't know who the players are or how much they were asking for it is entirely possible that they were simply asking for more than they are worth.
Can we at least agree that pro atheletes in all sports are not in the habit of taking any less than the max they can get with just a very few exceptions to that? So would it be then be the Komets low balling or could it in fact be the players asking for too much?
dangit I can't spell no good after midnite.
I have said before and I will say again, I don't disagree with your passion. And of all of the "negative talkers" on the various forums you have at least not resorted to some of the outright nasty talk that others have.
I guess I don't understand your frustration because I am looking at the unknown as a point of excitement. Now if this thing falls apart, attendance drops and there is chaos after the season then I might become frustrated.
As far as players leaving, it happens. Chaulk won't be the last popular Komet to leave. They ALL leave.
I was a proponent last year of this roster getting younger so losing Bert, Shaf, Chaulk and maybe P.C. and Guy doesn't bother me.
I share your view on Shrock. I want a roster full of young players like that. I too hope he doesn't leave. But eventually he will. They always do.
I'm not going to call you names (or anyone else). I was wrong to do that. I believe I have facts on my side and I'll stick to them. It serves a much better purpose that way.
Your last sentence is something I'd buy you a beer on. Go Komets!
Like you said, we simply don't have enough information to judge either way. I'm sure the Komets are offering players the best contracts they can, but with the lower salary cap, it goes without saying that it won't be good enough for a lot of guys. As athletes, do they make more than they deserve? At this level? I know that most of these guys have families to take care of and can barely make ends meet as it is.
Totally agree with Wendy.
I have 7 Colin Chaulk cards that I never got signed :(
I agree with Wendy as well. Most of these guys as we all know take second jobs during the season. But with a salary cap (and I know, some people who don't like the Franke family will say they violate it...again..proof please) there is only so much money to go around and each of these guys wants as much of it as they can get.
So my point about being overpaid is relative to the league and situation.
Very well put, Wendy....if this were the NHL, you could say they were holding out for too much. I'd hardly say that's the case here.
To all those who wanted a younger, faster team: your wish is coming true. I hope it is all you dreamed of. I can't imagine anyone replacing Colin....Schrock comes close, just without the years of experience and leadership. If he stays, he may help to fill that spot.
Blueline you (and maybe others) clearly misunderstood the context of my comments.
To illustrate:
Salary cap = 100 units
you have 20 players to pay with those 100 units
Player C wants 25 of those units because of his past performance but ownership realizes they can't pay him that, stay under the cap and still field a competitive team.
Now multiply that scenario by a few veterans and you have guys gripping that they can't get paid enough.
It isn't about the couple thousand dollars a week being too much in the grand scheme of life. But in minor league sports with a salary cap "barely enough to live on" can still be too much.
Well, I actually had not been commenting specifically on your posts...but since you commented on mine, what number between 10-50% of a reduction in pay from last year would you yourself be willing to take merely to keep your current job? I don't know specific numbers offered to any player, of course, but I'm throwing them out there as food for thought.
Blake, you better put a leash on your dog and pull him back in....
Hit with a four word post.....amazing! Just some humor Hit have a good 4th!
They pay me per word......last check was $1.47......
Blueline I own my own business so I pay my own salary. That being said when business is slow or costs go up, I have to cut something from the bottom line and normally it is what I pay myself.
With this change in leagues expenses are going to go up for the Komets. Travel costs will go up. Along with that insurance costs will go up.
In this economy people in many jobs and services are being given choices to accept cuts or risk losing their jobs.
Also, let's keep in mind again we don't know which players were feeling low balled and how much they were expecting in their minds.
Players are paid based on performance and how their salaries potentially fit into a capped system.
That is why you see movement of star players in all leagues.
So there are many factors that go into this beyond the simplistic approach of assuming the Franke family or Komets organization is being cheap. When you have so many vets who are scrambling to get as much as possible as their careers wind down it is not possible to keep them al and eventually all will leave to be replaced by new names and faces.
I have never gotten myself too attached to a player. Sure I appreciated everything Chaulk, Boyce, Chin, Shaf, Fletch and many of the rest did while in a Komets uniform. But I also enjoy the excitement of seeing new faces.
Woof Woof...have a safe 4th everyone!
Hit *#6 send on your mobile blogging device to activate snuffy's shock collar! Love ya Snuff, back to tanning......
Is the Nellie truce over? Red headed hockey chicks carry hockey sticks around with them.
This year will be a whole new experience, viva the fireball!
Colorado is a bunch of spoiled whiny sissies.
Mightbite watching pay per view tonight, everyone is welcome at his house.
I know where you are coming from there, Snuff. People always think of CEOs as rolling in cash, but when it comes to small businesses, the people at the top tend to feel the pinch first. For one thing, you aren't legally allowed to forgo paying employees.
Ruff, ruff
Wendy's wisdom is far beyond her years. Not bad for a red headed hockey chick.
Huh huuuuh!!!
Hey, don't give away ALL my secrets, Burgee....besides, the statute of limitations has not quite run out on a couple things for me and that hockey stick! LOL....
Mr S, you really did not actually answer my direct question, but you brought up a good point, namely that all players leave at some point. Of course they do. No matter the reason, no one can play pro hockey forever. And I guess it's different when the player in question is also your kid's will be even harder to see him go for the kids he coaches. Canlan will also miss him a lot. He runs the youth hockey program there and has individual classes he teaches.
Blueline, I can't answer that question because I don't know what the initial salary was and what the circumstances were that caused my salary to be potentially cut.
In 2009 my business was down nearly 30% so I paid myself about 1/2 what I did the year before. So I guess in my situation I was willing to accept 1/2 the money for the same work because I was not willing to give up on my business. Thankfully this year has proven that my decision to stick with it was a good one.
Let's put it back into hockey context with a salary cap.
In 2009 Team Smurf had 3 veteran smurfs making approx 30% of the salary cap. The team excelled and won a cup.
Papa Smurf wants to keep the team together but now there are 3 players who played really well the year before who deserve pay bumps. But dangit there is that blasted salary cap.
So Papa Smurf has options
#1 Let some guys go without even making a contract offer
#2 try and trade players like the Blackhawks have done.
#3 Come to some of those vets and say " We'd really like to keep our core together but these young guys who came out of nowhere deserve a raise. You three are the highest paid guys on the team. Are you willing to take a pay cut to keep the core together? If not we have to consider our future and give the money to the younger guys. But our preference is to keep this great team together.
It is of course up to the vets if team or $$ come first. Considering these are not million dollar players it is understandable why the $ comes first but this is again where I defend the owners who have always brought in great talent from the 92-93 team to the Russians on through the last few years.
Being cheap is not something they are known for.
Personal experience, Burgee. I know all about being the "confident captain" in front of the employees but when the door is closed, waving one's hands in the air and screaming, "Oh crap, we're all going to die!" LOL.
Mr. S, you left out one variable.
The new salary cap, whatever it is, is less than the IHL cap and that is where the problem lays currently. They are not allowed to spend as much money, and the last 3-5 years in the IHL it wasn't as difficult to keep on paying the core the money they were getting. Now, it must be alot more difficult under this new set of rules and this particular cap that has not been made public yet.
Everyone understands the things you wrote about the Smurfs....I think?
But your scenario is incomplete and much too simple. Chaulk and others were going to have to take a cut to fit everyone into the mix this year, and honestly, if you aren't prepared to take a cut, you look elsewhere, and Chaulk is good enough and valuable enough to go and get the money he thinks he is worth and deserves.
Not an attack towards anyone, it is just how it is. Oh well, right?
During the 2009-10 season, the CHL salary cap was $10,450 per week and the ECHL salary cap was $11,800 per week.
The ECHL salary cap for the 2010-11 season is $12,000 per week, so the CHL salary cap may end up being a little higher than last season, but probably not much.