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Opening Arguments

Let there be life

It's fun to read about the president's foot-in-mouth moment and the apparent crashing-and-burning of national health care, but here's something truly astounding, which was buried inside the morning paper:

Two groups of Chinese researchers have performed an unprecedented feat, it was announced today, by inducing cells from connective tissue in mice to revert back to their embryonic state and producing living mice from them.

By demonstrating that cells from adults can be converted into cells that, like embryonic stem cells from fetuses, have the ability to produce any type of tissue, the researchers have made a major advance toward eliminating the need for fetal cells in research and clinical applications.

Did you get that? Cells from adults were converted back to their embryonic state, and life was created from them. I don't want to get all Frankenstein here, but doesn't anybody see the t

Posted in: Current Affairs


Michael B-P
Fri, 07/24/2009 - 10:53am

There certainly appear to be some troubling practical implications here for those whose raison d'etre is voicing objections publicly to fetal stem cell research: what to do with time and energies formerly devoted to protest if fetal cells are no longer actually needed to develop therapies?

tim zank
Fri, 07/24/2009 - 6:20pm

MB-P sez "what to do with time and energies formerly devoted to protest if fetal cells are no longer actually needed to develop therapies?"

My guess is, even with this revelation, a good number of humans will still object to having their young "vacuumed" from the womb while alive and having their skulls crushed with a forceps.
