Yeah, those damn, rotten 14-month-olds just don't show respect the way they did in our day, by God:
Police say an 18-year-old Indianapolis man severely beat his girlfriend's 14-month-old daughter because the girl failed to show respect.
[. . .]
Police Sgt. Paul Thompson says Chism is accused of beating the girl with a belt for more than an hour for being disrespectful and not eating her food.
This 18-year-old is probably trainable if not educable, so maybe his fellow inmates will be able to get him to show respect, and eat his peas, too.
...And in ways we can't POSSIBLY imagine.
High schools seem to be terrified to create even one class which would teach our kids the simplest fundamental behaviors for navigating relationships between spouses, and among parents and one's own children.
We all need a state license to drive a car, but any two morons can have babies and keep them -- often despite courts' best efforts to ensure nonabusive homes.
Until we teach at least the barest basics of sensible child-raising and spouse interaction to our school kids (and parents, if possible), we must resign ourselves to the same ol' inevitable -- we ourselves will continue to permit ingrained ignorance to flourish among a huge percentage of parents (at all socio-economic strata) as they fumble to raise more generations of dysfunctional young adults utilizing no better habits than those their own parents inflicted upon them. I don't blame parents, who do the best they know how from memory, but simple nuggets of information could relieve as much as centuries of hand-me-down family mistakes in a single generation of schooling.
Call it CIVICS or ETHICS...
And yes, it is SORELY NEDED in today's classrooms. The earlier, the better, too!
As someone who watches IGNORANCE move into rental properties and walk or drive the streets daily, I can assure you it IS needed.