The Indianapolis Colts, 2001, in an Associated Press story:
Three years after signing a lease to play in the RCA Dome, the Indianapolis Colts are looking for a new stadium.
Colts owner Jim Irsay intends to commission two studies by spring or summer to examine prospects for a new stadium in Indianapolis.
"We're gathering information,'' Irsay told The Indianapolis Star for a story published Friday. ``We're going to look at it and share and go from there. We're defining the picture."
The Indianapolis Colts, 2009:
The Colts are frustrated over the CIB's money problems and they're even more upset about numerous comments and statements criticizing the team for not helping.
Thursday, the Colts issued a statement. It reads, in part, “The Colts never asked for a new stadium. In 2004, the city of Indianapolis approached the Colts about the possibility of a new stadium, not the other way around."
The team said they are proud to call Lucas Oil Stadium their home field but they only use it 19 days a year and it is open to virtually anyone else to use the remaining 346 days.
How many people were out there in the last few years trying to disabuse Hoosiers of the notion that a new stadium just had to be built or else the Colts might slink away in the middle of the night, just like they did in Baltimore? I think the answer is, "None." As this story unfolds, I suspect a lot of lying liars are going to be running for cover. Whether they turn out to be mostly politicians or sports figures or both is anybody's guess, but is surely ought to be interesting.
heh..." Whether they turn out to be mostly politicians or sports figures or both is anybody
They're pretty much blurring the lines between sports figures and politicians anyway...but yopu have to admit the TEAM LOGOS & UNIFORMS are much better looking than all those "empty suits".