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Opening Arguments

Maddy & Mikey

I know that with the tragic loss of Madalyn Murray O'Hair, many of you worried that the United States would no longer have a crazy atheist to keep shoring up that shaky wall between church and state. But your fears were unfounded:

The California atheist known for his legal challenge against the Pledge of Allegiance is in court arguing the national motto "In God We Trust" is unconstitutional.

Michael Newdow, who filed a 162-page complaint against the president and Congress, will argue his case in federal district court in Sacramento May 19.

Posted in: Current Affairs


Tim Zank
Fri, 05/12/2006 - 4:52pm

Would somebody explain to me what happened in this guys life to trigger his obsession with this issue? For Gods (oops) sake, he's a Doctor AND a Lawyer, you'd think he'd have more important things to do wouldn't you? What a yutz.....

Jason Wood
Fri, 05/12/2006 - 9:08pm

Michael Newdow is not a yutz. He explans his motives here: http://www.restorethepledge.com/mike_newdow/

Rather than throwing around insults, why not tackle the issue itself?

I say the Pledge and the National Motto should be restored to their originals. Is there any rational reason to disagree?

Sun, 05/14/2006 - 12:23pm

I also support the restoration of both the currency and Pledge to their originals.

Tim Zank
Sun, 05/14/2006 - 7:26pm

First of all, let me apologize for calling the "Reverend" a yutz. Perhaps a better description would have been a "misguided" patriot. I admire his passion for his cause but as the saying goes, there is nothing worse than a reformed anything. Newdow and his fellow believers (er, make that NON believers I guess) think that the pledge and currency references are offensive to them. Well that may well be, but what I find offensive, in this "lets include everyone 'til they feel warm and fuzzy" era is clogging our courts with ridiculous lawsuits and wasting millions of dollars of EVERYONES money on a non-issue. He doesn't have to recite the pledge, and I doubt the currency phrases would freak out a regular guy buying a cheeseburger. He's made a cottage industry out of suing ALL of us taxpayers over and over again to make himself feel important and noble, like he's doing something really worthwhile with his life. He really ought to GET a life.
