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Opening Arguments


Well, this should change my life now that I have someone to remind me "to drink milk every single day."

The American Dairy Association of Indiana has announced their new spokesperson: Miss America.

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This extremely articulate and intelligent young woman will serve as a role model for many young people and has a strong message about dairy products and the role they play in a daily diet, “Not only are dairy products a great source of calcium but 12 other important nutrients.” She also stressed that dairy products taste great. Her day begings with dairy, “I could not start the day without a good breakfast of bacon, eggs, and fruit and, of course, milk.” She said that after her daily exercise routine she enjoys a glass of chocolate milk. 

I never made the connection before, but I have known a few articulate and intelligent young women in my life and darn it if every single one of them didn't have a strong message about the role of dairy products in a daily diet. No wonder I still drink a glass of the stuff every day, usually with the chili dog I get from the machine downstairs for breakfast.  I met one of those articulate and intelligent young women in the cafeteria just the other day, having a fruit and bacon sandwich with a glass of chocolate milk.  "Don't forget about the calcium and 12 other important nutrients in dairy products!" she reminded me on the way out. "And they taste great!" I added.

I wonder if I could find an articulate and itelligent young woman to act as a spokesperson for Opening Arguments. She could point out the importance of a good debate to the daily intellectual diet and remind everyone of the argumentum ad hominem and 12 other important logic faults available here.

Posted in: Hoosier lore