Hey, a school has to scramble for money anywhere it can:
The new multipurpose stadium on Mulberry Street could have a corporate name attached to it, according to district leaders.
Bob Bostwick, executive director of operations for the Zionsville school district, asked the School Board on Monday night to approve a construction change order of $33,072 for an archway that will be built at the front entrance to the stadium. The arch, he said, will be the focal point of the stadium and will carry the corporate sponsor name.
Why might they need the money? That stadium and new athletic fields are costing the school district $13.5 million. And some people say we aren't dedicated to education in Indiana.
How many dollars could be re-allocated to improving academic performance or increasing vocational training opportunities for the less academically inclined if we were to, ohmyGod, eviscerate spending on high school athletics? Other countries use the private-funding "sports club" model, which many communities in the U.S. already enjoy in at least certain sports. Think there might be a correlation in our substandard academic performance vs. those other countries and our putting money other than where our brains should be?