Do you realize what danger your neighborhood might be in if people aren't burping their one-potters? If not, you haven't been keeping up with the drug culture and the fascinating ways it keeps adding to the language.
Cooking meth apparently creates a distinctive smell, similar to cat urine (memo to self: clean litter box NOW). One way to get around getting caught by the smell is to cook your product in a small plastic container (called a one-potter), then drive around with it on your moped so the smell dissipates into the atmosphere. This is apparently a growing trend because it's more economical to make small amounts (that darned economy is hurting everyone).
There's just one small problem:
While searching Miller, police found a plastic bottle in his pocket. It turns out there were meth making materials cooking inside of it.
"They took it off and laid it down on the sidewalk. And then it actually started shaking, vibrating. They knew it was very volatile at that point in time," said Hill.
[. . .]
These smaller meth labs can explode if they're not what's called "burped" every 15 to 20 minutes. That's when some of the gases that are produced are let out. By burping these "one potters" outside, people aren't able to smell them.
So the next time you see a moped toddling down your street in defiance of all traffic laws, you might want to think twice about running up and yelling at the kid to stay the hell out of your neighborhood.
Had a "bottle bomb" tossed on our lawn over 8 years ago.
Still have the remnants in a bag downstairs.
It didnt appear to be a 1-pot...just a chemical bomb. (vinegar/baking soda)
Didn't have any crystalline residue on it
Lucky us.
But I will say that the sound THAT device made was like a water heater exploding (and THEY are loud, btw).
Never underestimate the power of a plastic 2 liter!
Yes indeed..urban living indeed (more like surviving).
BG! Any first hand experience with these??
No "first-hand" experience (just on the receiving end in this "burg"), but I can whip some up for 'ya REAL quick, if ever need it, along with other "items of interest".
(where'd I put that damn S/F manual again?)
But I do so enjoy things that have a BIG boom attached to them (especially when they're goin' DOWN range).
Whatta rush!