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Revolutionary Times

How The New York Times might have covered the American Revolution (via boortz.com):


Posted in: Current Affairs


Fri, 07/07/2006 - 8:28am

Boortz has a problem with the New York Times publishing secrets of the insurgency?

I wouldn't put the folks we're fighting along side the likes of Sam Adams and Thomas Paine, but the U.S. looks a lot like Great Britain at the moment.

Leo Morris
Sun, 07/09/2006 - 11:39am

Yes. It would be like Al-Jazeera publishing the secrets of the current insurgency, don't you think?

Steve Towsley
Sun, 07/09/2006 - 7:37pm

I agree with Leo; if our media had treated our state secrets during our revolution the way they feel entitled to cover our state secrets now, we'd have been British subjects, before we died Nazi slaves.

And if Feinstein and Kennedy had been there, we'd have had to fight the British army with catcalls and rude gestures -- after we had lobbed Feinstein and Kennedy at them bodily, from some high wall, perhaps at Ticonderoga.

Jeff Pruitt
Sun, 07/09/2006 - 10:41pm

What exactly was your problem w/ the latest story? What information was given that wasn't already in the public domain?

The government should ALWAYS fear the press as it's the only true check against the perpetual authoritarian-creep of the government. The patriots at the Times are the few journalists left keeping this administration even remotely translucent...

tim zank
Mon, 07/10/2006 - 12:56pm

Let's just say the Times took what was "already in the public domain" (a rather common sense belief that we track terrorists' finances) and then spelled out EXACTLY how we do it. On the front page.


No other reason to run that story except to shove a stick in W's eye. Plain and simple.

Spare me the nobility and the freedom of the press speech. These morons are not patriots, they are santimonious, holier than thou intellectual wannabes that could very well get all of us killed someday with their self-centered myopic view of the world.

These are the same folks who lionize people like Cindy Sheehan and Daniel Pearls father for blaming everyone else for their loved ones deaths. Sadly, these people had and made choices of their own.
