Oh, for Pete's sake:
President Obama's energy adviser has suggested all the world's roofs should be painted white as part of efforts to slow global warming.
Professor Steven Chu, the US Energy Secretary, said the unusual proposal would mean homes in hot countries would save energy and money on air conditioning by deflecting the sun's rays.
More pale surfaces could also slow global warming by reflecting heat into space rather than allowing it to be absorbed by dark surfaces where it is trapped by greenhouse gases and increases temperatures.
The nuts are in complete control now, so there's probably no going back.
Going back will be tough, but we'll still have a chance I hope, once the poor people realize even they're getting poorer.
What's really worrisome is, this guy is the Secretary Of Energy of the most powerful nation on Earth. I don't know whether to laugh hysterically or cry uncontrollably.
Yoohoo . . .
Whether or not they are "in complete control" (of themselves or anyone else) is questionable. But when exactly have the nuts ever NOT been in charge?
Michael B-P makes a good point, I would submit some administrations are just more nuts than others....and painting everyones roof white is f%^king nuts, does he intend to issue wrap-around sunglasses to everyone in the nation for the reflection?
Seriously, can you imagine the damage it would do to everyone's eyes if all buildings roofs & (yes he advocates this too) roads were painted white? Not to mention accidents, etc...
Yeah boy, that's our Secretary Of Energy.
GEEZUS....doesn't he KNOW how HARD it is to keep ANYTHING that is WHITE and outside...CLEAN????
That white roof will be "back to black" in NO time!
What a putz!