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Opening Arguments

School daze

Indiana's stimulus money for education has been tallied up, sort of, and -- wow:

The federal government has approved Indiana's application for $765 million in economic stimulus money intended to prevent cuts in education and other state services.

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Indiana can get an additional $242 million in "state stabilization funds" this fall after state officials show how they're spending the first portion.

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Indiana has already received more than $228 million in other education funds through the stimulus package.

That's $1.2 billion, a tidy sum even for us sophisticated Hoosiers jaded by all the trillions being thrown around these days. And even if a pittance of it goes for "other state services," that's a whole lot of money being dumped on education. Just think, we're going to see $1 billion worth of improvements in our public schools! Why didn't somebody think of this before?
