This goes so far beyond naive optimism that it's goofiness personified:
The head of the religious order that founded the University of Notre Dame has asked President Barack Obama
to reconsider his support of abortion rights and embryonic stem cell research before he speaks at the school's May 17 commencement.
"Mr. President, may I be so audacious as to suggest that you have made a mistake in your position supporting abortion rights as the law of the land," the Rev. Hugh W. Cleary, the superior general of the Congregation of the Holy Cross in Rome, wrote a 13-page letter to the president.
Heck, as long as we're being delusional, might I suggest, Mr. President, that you are in error in believing that massive spending by the federal government will stimulate the economy and that further government involvement in health care, education and the environment will change this country for the better in the long run.
Now, all good conservatives and libertarians can rest easy, knowing that Mr. Obama will wake up tomorrow morning, smack his forehead and exclaim, "My goodness, Leo is right, the government is best that governs least! What could I have been thinking of?"
Leo, that's one HUGE step from Journalism to Secretary of the Treasury...but a damn GOOD step (for ALL of us).
Good luck with that.
Ha! You are being delusional if you think that Obama's policies won't get us out of this mess. Massive government spending is exactly what is needed now.
The current financial mess we're in is a direct result of conservative ideology. A straight line can be drawn from the rush to deregulate to the actions of the 'too big to fail' financial institutions (who wouldn't exist if not for the same rush to deregulate) that caused this mess. Every president since I've been old enough to vote, including Bill Clinton, has been on the deregulation bandwagon. Conservatives may cringe, but the only reason we haven't totally imploded is because the great liberal FDR put reforms into place that were far sighted enough to prevent that fate.