If you're going to put your plane on autopilot, then jump out with a parachute in order to fake your own death:
1. Don't approach a police officer afterward.
2. Don't tell the officer you were in a canoeing accident with some friends.
This would seem like common sense. But Marcus Schrenker is a Hoosier con man apparently unable to believe his careful schemes were unraveling:
Two former commercial pilots named in an Indiana Department of Insurance complaint said Schrenker was a smooth talker who promised steady returns. They trusted him because he came highly recommended by other pilots.
"It was all word of mouth, and when you're a pilot, you trust. That's what you do and what you're used to doing," said Joe Mazzone, 57, of Auburn, Alabama. "His modus operandi is, he flies into your city dressed up in a $1,000 suit and sits down with you, buys you lunch, and the next thing you know, he has you on his side, and you move your money to his Heritage Wealth Management."
Ah, gotta watch out for them smooth talkers. Schrenker is now on the lamb -- he "rode out of a small Alabama town on a red motorcycle under the cover of darkness." Sounds like a hick version of the Bernard Madoff con or the Hoosier version of "Fargo." This has to become a made-for-TV move, it just has to.
Just picking a nit, but I think it's "on the lam".
"On the lam" or "on the run" often refers to fugitives. "Lam" means "thrash" or "beat soundly," from the Icelandic, "lemja". The imagery is that one beats the path with one's feet while fleeing quickly.
Yeah, thanks; I knew that. I'm not just another dum numskull out here. It's a crumby excuse, but this was one of those days in which I tried to jamb too much writing into too little time, so my prufereeding suffered. On the other hand, considering this guy's pitiful escape attempt, maybe he really WAS on the lamb. It would have been shear idiocy, but ewe know . . .
Leo, I'm thinking 2009 may be your finest. Let's hope that fountain of wry humor of yours doesn't run dry after the first month!
All picked nits aside, this dropout from the Army's Golden Eagles (one Marcus Schrenker) is part of that class of individuals deserving of the phrase:
As to having his plans unravel?
(like a cheap-ass sweater)