Well, this one's going to make me sound like a callous jerk, but here goes anyway.
I thought for a second I had stumbled onto The Onion by mistake, but Gov. Daniels really is going to appear on the radio barefoot to promote a real charity called Samaritan's Feet. Radio personality and former IU coach and basketball player Dan Dakich has been broadcasting barefoot since before Christmas, and they're trying to get 500 coaches to coach barefoot on Saturday, all to publicize the charity's mission:
"Samaritan's Feet is an international ministry focused on bringing a life-changing message of hope to youth and children through sports and recreational adventures. We provide relief to hurting people displaced due to poverty, ravaging wars and religious persecution. We demonstrate compassion by washing and equipping their feet with shoes and touching their hearts with the love of God."
OK, I know helping the needy isn't always a matter of doing everything for them all at once -- sometimes you just do what you can, however small. And sometimes, the small things can result in changed lives. Still, this seems, I don't know, fringish? Sorry about he famine, kid, and the oppression, and the religious persecution, and the disease and undrinkable water and everything. Here's a pair of shoes.
Not callous (no pun intended), Leo...you're just a REALIST.
(as am I)