And the most commonly misspelled word in the English language is . . . give up?
Collins Dictionaries of Britain said its researchers have estimated that the most commonly misspelled word in the English language is "supersede."
The company said the word is misspelled one out of every 10 times it is used because many other words with phonetically similar endings -- such as intercede and precede -- are spelled with the letter "c" instead of "s," The Daily Telegraph reported.
I've noticed across the blogosphere that people have a lot of trouble with words containing double letters: millennium, embarrassment, accommodate, occurrence, questionnaire. Bonus: Take this easy spelling test.
There are spelling differences between English and the language spoken in the US. For instance, we leave out the "u" in colour, and the second "i" in aluminium.
Not to mention that in Minnesota, it's spelled Sargeant, population 76.
I constantly fight with "occasionally" and I'm learning to spell "judgment", although I prefer "judgement", which the Big Dic says is a permissible variant.