It's nice to know not everyone is suffering because of the lousy economy:
The number of federal workers earning six-figure salaries has exploded during the recession, according to a USA TODAY analysis of federal salary data.
Federal employees making salaries of $100,000 or more jumped from 14% to 19% of civil servants during the recession's first 18 months — and that's before overtime pay and bonuses are counted.
Federal workers are enjoying an extraordinary boom time — in pay and hiring — during a recession that has cost 7.3 million jobs in the private sector.
I guess we shouldn't begrudge them their pay -- after all, they do so much for us.
Hope-N-Change Baby! Livin' the dream.
From the article:
Higher federal salaries under Obama = bad. Higher federal salaries under Bush = bad. Bad = Bad. 2 percent is less bad than 3 or 3.9 percent, but less bad still isn't good.
Ahhhh Kevin, the eternal apologist. It matters not who put the policy in place, in 2007 we weren't experiencing record unemployment and total financial upheaval. Now that we are, one might think it prudent to freeze pay increases (especially on people making over 100k) until the American worker can recover just a fuzz, no? If not just because it's the right thing to do, I can't believe he (Obama) didn't do it to cover his arse politically at least.
This just makes for more bad press and perception for the Aragula-munching elite that is Obama. What do you think all your blue collar dem brethren getting off shift at 3:oo today and cashing their $300 to $500 paychecks at the local watering hole are gonna think of those govt employees knocking down 6 figs AND getting a raise?
Perception is reality....
Leo - Can I assume that your comment, "--after all, they do so much for us", was said with tongue in cheek? Because if it wasn't, it has no possible other meaning! A better statement would have been "---after all they do so much to us"!
For us=to us, and, yeth, my tun wath in ma chk
That's not FOR us...that's TO us.
(thanks John B. - you also get it...LOL)
Aw, yeahhhhhhh!!!
Reducing federal paychecks (for all those making a lot more than average Joes & Janes in the private sector) while shoving ANOTHER Trillion Dollar spending bill (totally exempt of the $676 BILLION defense bill), down everyone's throat, isn't EXACTLY what I would call "saving a few bucks", right?
I mean, you're not going out tomorrow and buying a 100 ft. yacht AND a Gulfstream to "balance your household budget", are you?
Our family tends to SAVE money in order to PAY DOWN whatever debts we might incur. We don't spend money we don't have.
Besides, if WE (the people) tried (once) what Washington is doing (daily)...we'd be TOSSED IN JAIL..pronto.
But...whatever floats your boat...I mean yacht, I guess.
I'm just sayin'...
Zank, I am not apologizing for anything- I am pointing out that YOUR comment about "hope-n-change" attempted to pin it all on Obama, when in reality, the guy YOU VOTED FOR harbors a lot of the blame.
When he passed that pay increase everything was "hunky-dory" that it's not, whoever is in charge is responsible.
I know, I know, and the dog ate his homework too.
Someday, Obama will have to actually accept responsibility for the job he sought and won.
I think it would be much more interesting to see how many $170,000+ jobs came AFTER January of this year.