An Indianapolis Star editorial rightly calls out Sen. Bayh on health care reform:
Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh is straining hard to paint himself as a fiscal conservative. It's disappointing then that he's prepared to vote for a bill almost certain to drive up the deficit in future years.
[. . .]
What will it take for Bayh not just to meekly object but to stand his ground on principles of fiscal responsibility?
Well, the final vote has come and gone, and Bayh sided with the other Senate Democrats in declaring war on American taxpayers, so forget about that "fiscal responsibility" stuff. Never mind the nonsense about how this will save the federal government money -- just wait till people find out what it will cost the state. Sen. Bayh as a lot of explaining to do, and for once, he might get away with his fence-straddling gymnastics.
Republicans have a golden opportunity here, and if they don't put up the very best candidate against Bayh they can find next year, shame of them. Calling Mike Pence.
Here's Bayh's statement on his vote, if you can stomach some pure fiction. This is the best part:
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office indicates that this legislation will reduce the deficit by $132 billion over the first 10 years and up to $1.3 trillion in the decade beyond.
That administration claim has been debunked all over the place. Check this out from Reason magazine.
From Bayhs statement: ""Changing business as usual in Washington is imperative. For now, however, we must decide whether the proposed health reform is better than doing nothing, because that is the likely alternative."
Let's see Evan, following your logic (and flimsiest of excuses), let's see if this is analogous.
I know for sure if my family and I don't eat properly and eventually it will hasten our eventual death. I could slowly and methodically change the types of foods we ingest to increase our lifespan and overall health without really rocking my family's financial boat so to speak.
I could follow the Dems way of thinking and IMMEDIATELY borrow against my home to pay for a lifetime meal plan and dietician services so I'd be assured that we would all eat properly. Of course we'd lose our house in short order, but it's better than doing NOTHING about the health of my family.
I was particularly moved when I discovered how urgent this vote was becoming, seeing as how people are gonna DIE without this legislation (Reid,Pelosi, & Obama all have claimed on film) but the benefits don't kick in for 4.5 years. Of course the taxes to pay for the program start NOW. I guess the Dems have a miracle machine to keep all those poor bastards alive until the 2014 benefit date kicks in.
I hate to be harsh on a day before a holiday, but seriously, if any of you think this ponzi scheme is actually gonna work, you are, in my opinion, an imbecile.
Merry Christmas!
You have to admit that CRIME (such as this) never takes a holiday.
Merry Christmas, my keeping with the situation.
The only way we can salvage anything from this is to remember that our Lord, who's birthday we celebate tomorrow, IS STILL IN CHARGE! And remember, also, that He is not physically present on the earth so we have been left to attempt to see that His will is carried out. So we all need to continue to make our voices heard. Tim, Bob and Leo - Have a blessed Christmas>
Merry Christmas to you too John!
Hear, hear! I really can't stand the idea of my taxes going to, you know, help sick people get well.
Everyone have a nice Christmas, except for you annoying people who picked the wrong parents and then got sick. You should suffer. We won't help. That would be socialism.
Jesus wouldn't approve. He never helped the sick or the poor. He liked rich people.
Although I'm sure there are those who have honest disagreements with health care reform, I'm convinced that defeating anything Obama does is more important to most conservatives more for the sake of making him look bad than for any other reason. If I had a nickel for every Beck or Limbaugh clone who told me, on one hand, that the house and senate bills are horrible, while at the same time saying 'Nobody knows what's in them', then I could by health insurance for all of you. Leo used to like to write about 'Bush derangement syndrome'. Let me tell you, 'Obama derangement syndrome' beats that by a crazy mile. By the way, I think, Leo, you meant to say that Bayh might NOT get away with his "fence-straddling gymnastics for once."
Thank you, Lewis. It was getting lonely being the token liberal here.
The weird hatred of Obama simply cannot be ascribed to a mere disagreement with his policies.
The sudden awakening of concern about the deficit is especially amusing. Where were these people when Reagan and G.W. were cutting rich people's taxes while expanding the military? Apparently, Republican deficits don't count.
Of course, when Sarah Palin is someone's idea of an intellectual, all things are possible. Let's hope they nominate her. Go, you patriotic teabaggers! And keep your government hands off my Medicare! He's an Arab!
Littlejohn, you are not a liberal. You are a socialist. BIG difference.
Main Entry: 2liberal
Function: noun
Date: 1820
: a person who is liberal: as a : one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways b capitalized : a member or supporter of a liberal political party c : an advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in individual rights
As opposed to:
Main Entry: so
Tim, you really don't need to drag out your dictionary to make your point. If you look up "conservative," you will likewise find some definitions, such as "old-fashioned," "more concerned about business than working people," etc.
We all speak English here.
Socialism, obviously, is part of the liberal spectrum.
The Socialist Party, which my paternal grandfather belonged to, advocated the 40-hour work week, an end to child labor, Social Security, women's suffrage, and a number of other programs that both major parties now embrace. Since those "socialist" ideas have become a reality in this country, there is no longer any need for the Socialist Party, and it has virtually disappeared.
Many of my views are consistent with socialism. So are the typical modern Republican's.
Why do you consider "socialism" some sort of dirty word?
Littlejohn, you ask "Why do you consider
OK, Tim. You win. You said "socialist."
I guess I'm expected to respond with "Hitler," but that would be too predictable.
So you got me. Please, please, don't mention "death panels." Haven't you savored your victory enough?
Sorry, I didn't respond to your comment correctly earlier. I was in a rush to get my family to their weekly Christian Indoctrination Session (well, we just call it church actually) and I was basically asnwering the question "Do you think socialism is a dirty word?" Sorry..
Why I consider "socialism" a dirty word is very simple. I like being free to make choices of my own. I don't want my government making decisions for me. Socialism is by it's very nature an unfair concept, much like communism whereby a third party (Uncle Sam) tells me (Tim) to give my stuff to someone else (Littlejohn).
I don't like that concept.
All clear then. When I think of socialism, I'm thinking of an economic system. Communism combines a socialist economy with a police state and a dictatorship, which is a whole nother kettle of fish. I find communism offensive, and don't really see much difference between communism and fascism, yet one is considered "left" and the other "right."
I'm comfortable with the concept of a socialist democracy, such as seen in Sweden, where the people enjoy considerable freedom - certainly on a par with Americans. I hardly regard universal health care as an infringement on my freedom, unless it's my freedom to die of a treatable disease when my private insurance runs out. I fail to see what's so scary about that.
Do you intend to refuse your Social Security check when you turn 65? Because I'll be happy to take it off your hands.
Littlejohn, I won't have to refuse a check when I'm 65, that's 14 years down the road and I honestly don't believe SS will be solvent then. Our country will be soooo indebted and have printed so much "free" money (read inflation), there just won't be many of us "retiring" that I know of.
As for socialism/capitalism. Ours is a difference not only of opinion, but of almost DNA like rooted opposite belief systems.
You are of a mindset that quite frankly doesn't mind being told what to do, when to do it, and where to do it with out ever being given a reason for WHY to do it, other than the government says it's necessary.
I subscribe to a mindset that absolutely abhors being told what to do, especially by people that work for me (be they employees or government officials). Mine is a belief system that requires black and white common sense explanations, and especially a clear understanding that every action does in fact have a reaction (something no legislator in recent history ever considers).
Suffice to say, in simple terms, you think government is the answer, and I think government is the problem.