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Opening Arguments

A uniform education

Would this be worth a try in Fort Wayne?

An Indianapolis Public Schools task force is recommending the district adopt a policy requiring all students wear uniforms.
[. . .]
The proposal has different requirements at different grade levels, but generally requires khaki or dark colored pants and polo shirts for boys or skirts, pants or capri pants for girls with collared blouses.
I spent a lot of my college years arguing against behavior modification -- changing externals doesn't affect what a person is inside, is the way I saw it. But I've come to see some of its benefits. Kids who look like they belong in a school instead of at a rave might actually get more in the academic frame of mind. At least clothing would stop being a distraction.
Posted in: Hoosier lore


Jon Olinger
Thu, 03/15/2007 - 5:39am

FWCS currently has three or four schools that use uniforms, and I think there is a positive effect on the atmosphere.

Bob G.
Thu, 03/15/2007 - 5:58am

Leo...since you're from my era, surely you recall DRESS CODES..standards of clothing that EVERYONE adhered to...no jeans, no skorts, no sneakers, NO debate.

It was during the early 70s when students behavior became "unmodified", thereby negating dress codes, and promoting a more "feel-good" attitude to attending school...

Look where THAT got us over the past several decades...declining test scores, kids fighting over articles of clothing, and so on.

It's time to un-un-modify this behavioral debacle the educational system dug itself into...

Bring back more stringent dress codes, and maybe yes, even uniforms.

It's like Dad used to say:
"If you look like a slob, people will perceive you as such, and you're going to pick up on that as well".


Mike Sylvester
Thu, 03/15/2007 - 6:59pm

I used to be vehemently AGAINST uniforms in Public Schools...

The first public hearing I ever attended was to oppose a plan that would have instituted uniforms in the Omaha Public Schools...

This is another one of my views that has changed as I have gotten older (And became a father and husband)...

I am no longer sure how I feel on this issue...

I would be interested in seeing educational statistics regarding the effects of uniforms...

Mike Sylvester
