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Food and Drink

Merger of the century

Wow. Overeat, diet. Overeat, diet. Overeat, diet. All with the same company:

GENEVA, Switzerland - In a move that recognizes the modern world's twin obsessions — indulgence and guilt — chocolate maker Nestle said Monday it would purchase weight loss product maker Jenny Craig Inc. for $600 million.

Posted in: Food and Drink

Brain food

There is a God:

Chocolate lovers rejoice. A new study hints that eating milk chocolate may boost brain function.

"Chocolate contains many substances that act as stimulants, such as theobromine, phenethylamine, and caffeine," Dr. Bryan Raudenbush from Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia noted in comments to Reuters Health.

Posted in: Food and Drink

Liver worst

You can't say the don't have priorities in Chicago:

Forget about skyrocketing gas prices, soaring property tax assessments and corruption that has federal investigators crawling all over City Hall. Chicago aldermen have a more pressing concern: foie gras.

Posted in: Food and Drink

Middlemen with clout

Let me see if I have this straight. The liquor wholesalers are afraid the Big Boxes could get wine cheap and sell it cheap. And they have the clout to persuade the General Assembly to prevent that possibility by enacting rules that will drive many small wineries out of business. All so the wine, just like beer and hard liquor, will have to go them so they can add their markup to it before it gets to me.

Fry me to the moon

Here's one of my embarrassing little secrets: I could make a meal out of McDonald's french fries, and have on more than one occasion. My second part-time job in high school (after being a theater usher, cleaning wads of chewing gum out of the sand-filled ashtrays, if you want to know how long ago it was) was at a McDonald's, the one at Jefferson and Harrison before they tore it down for the new one at Jefferson and Harrison before the city made them move to Jefferson and Fairfield to make way for the expanded Grand Wayne Center.

Posted in: Food and Drink

Chocolate delight

Posted in: Food and Drink

Auf Wiedersehen

Man, I hate this, hearing that the Berghoff in Chicago is closing. Dining there (not just "eating") was one of the great gastronomic experiences of my life, the first time I ever had sauerbraten. I haven't been there in more than 20 years, but the idea that I could go back sometime was one of the small comforts that got me through many a fast-food-gobbling day. Has anyone else wondered why Fort Wayne, with its strong German heritage, has had such a dearth of good German restaurants?

Posted in: Food and Drink

The drinking man's diet

People are always looking for good reasons to have a few:

The benefits of light to moderate drinking when it comes to heart disease have been touted for years, but new research suggests it may also help you stay svelte.

That "light to moderate" is a fine line, though. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many fat drunks waddling and lurching around.

Posted in: Food and Drink

Dog watch

When these lucky kids just get sick and tired of all the healthy fare the school system is undoubtedly subjecting them to, at least they'll have a shot at real food. I'm a coney dog and chili dog fanatic, so this impressed me. The new coney place on Broadway didn't, though (allthough the Koney spelling is creative). The best alternative I've found so far to the original on Main Street is at The Stand on the Bobeck's golf site on Bluffton Road.

Posted in: Food and Drink

But hold the onions, please
