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Are you upset about this?

1. It's bold, honest and unique.

2. The team really doesn't need to market to the diehards (and I define that as anyone who takes the time to read or write on this blog) because they know you'll show up anyway. You may threaten, complain, whatever, but you'll also be there because you are always there. It's part of who you are. I also think there are fewer of you than there were 20 years ago. We can debate all day why that is.

3. They are marketing to the folks who are not already planning to be there, and that's definitely the target audience of that ad. It will definitely get their attention.

4. It's also completely true. Look at the TinCaps. The vast majority of the market is the disposible income, family looking for an inexpensive good time, who go 8-10 times per year. That's who the ad will get. You've got to have a theme to attract casual fans to games today, and the Komets do that very well.

5. It's a discussion-starter and will get people talking, which is what marketing is all about.

Very, very interesting. I don't necessarily like it, but it's not going after me. It is bold and very effective and will do what it is designed to.

Posted in: Komets


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