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Quotes of the night

Jason Muzzatti: I don't think they took us lightly, and that helped. I expected that from Al and his team. I think that might have been advantage for us earlier on. Those first two games, they were a goal better and that's all it takes.

Nick Boucher: Winning and being around the guys in the room is what keeps bringing the older guys back. There's a real sense of family and belonging when you are on a tight-knit, close team like this.

Colin Chaulk: To win all four on home ice. We appreciate as players that we're spoiled, but you know what, the fans of Fort Wayne have been a litttle spoiled, too. We appreciate because we can't have the things that we have here if we don't have this support. Both the players and fans have been spoiled. We just hope they keep supporting us no matter what happens.

Matt Syroczynski: They're gameplan was to get all over me. Their D did a great job of going after me after the whistle and in front of the net, but my home is in the crease area. That's where I score most of my goals. During playoff time, there's no one who is going to stop me there.

Leo Thomas: It's a contagious thing. Once you have the veterans this team has, you're going to keep winning regardless. I think that's why they keep this core of guys that they do, so why change it?

Al Sims: I don't remember having to battle this hard, but you probably forget how hard you had to battle to win the last two. It never gets old. I think this one is unique because we had to beat a really good hockey team. They were the hottest team in the league and the hottest team in the playoffs and we found a way to get it done against them when nobody else could.

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