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Quotes from practice

David Hukalo: I just remember the last six games against them. They all skate fast, hard and like to hit. They are probably one of the hardest-working teams in the league.
Bobby Phillips: They have a couple of veterans with a lot of experience who are good players and a lot of hard-working younger guys, so it's similar to the way it is here.
Al Sims: Obviously Flint was a desperate team at the end of the year, a little more desperate than most teams, trying to make the playoffs. I thought they played that way and played really well and kept it going in the playoffs. They have great goaltending, good defense and they have a couple of great veterans up front with a couple of good young kids. They have a lot of things going for them.
Kevin Bertram: If there was any doubt that we could beat them after the three or four games we played them before that where they beat us, that last game took that out of everyone's mind. We are going to have to play hard to beat them, but it will be a pretty good series.
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