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Hodgy says: I'm coming home!

First off, Toronto did send a couple of players to Reading this morning, and he said if they had sent him there, he'd have gone with no qualms.

``I didn't think about it until we were mathematically eliminated, which was last Monday, and then we started looking at options,'' he said. ``I didn't even think it was going to be a real possibility because my commitment was to Toronto, but I knew eventually I would be coming back to Fort Wayne after the season ended to be with my family.''

``I'm in great shape. When I was sent to the AHL, it was kind of an eye-opener with the pace, but after a couple of weeks, I got used to it. I'm 100 percent. I feel like I've been playing great, and I've been getting a lot of good feedback from the coaches.''

He's also signing with Toronto for next year on a one-wa

Posted in: Komets


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