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No place is safe

It was bad enough when the perverts found sites like Facebook.com and MySpace.com. Now the politicians are flocking there:

Look up Evan Bayh in the Congressional Directory and you'll find he's a second-term senator from Indiana who serves on the Intelligence and Armed Services Committees.

Check out Bayh on Facebook.com, and you get something akin to a politician channeling his inner teen.

Bayh lists among his favorite TV viewing habits: ESPN, "The West Wing " and "24."

His interests include not only the war on terror but also Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity and black-raspberry-chip ice cream. His favorite animal is simply "Party" — presumably the Democratic kind.

The policticians have to be careful, though; when people network, anything can happen. Facebook has a "Don't Blame Me: I voted for John Kerry in 2004" group with 107 members. But "The John Kerry Hate Club" has 178.


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