``You miss three breakaways in the first period, it's going to definitely hurt you and come back to haunt you. That's what we were doing earlier in the year. Lately we've been putting those things in. It was some of our best players. Russo out-played our goalies, there's no doubt about it, and he deserved the win.''
He definitely changed goalies, there was no injury to Nick Boucher.
``We're not getting big saves. Let's face it, some of the goals that are going in our building right now are not great goals. One or two of those a game, and if you're not scoring, you're going to have problems overcoming it. We need top-quality goaltending that's going to hold teams right now to two or less, which we've been used to all year. We give up four and we don't have much of a chance to win.''
``The seven minutes in the third obviously took us out of the game. That's just a discipline issue. MacMillan getting sucked in by Kostadine. He knew exactly what we was doing. He wasn't going to drop his gloves. You have to be smarter than that.''