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War wounds

Drat. I found a really nice bunker buddy, but now they've stopped dropping the bombs. Dear Abby, should we stay friends or just go our separate ways?

With rising gas prices and a slowing economy, more residents of Indianapolis' Northside suburbs are looking to economize their daily commute to Downtown. The upshot? The area's carpool scene is booming.

It's why Central Indiana Commuter Services (CICS) launched 327ride.net, a website that matches would-be carpoolers. In many ways, it's like online dating: You comb through profiles until you find a carpool partner (or partners, if you're more adventurous) right for you. According to Andrew McGee, an outreach representative for CICS, the database is so packed with people that your chances of finding your carpool soul mate are "pretty high."

Sorry about the analogy, but too many of these economic stories are starting to sound like dispatches-from-enemy-territory war correspondence. "Carpool soul mates" -- sheesh.


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