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Safe at home

I'd say it's time we all brushed up on our defensive driving. First, there is this, out of the Indiana Court of Appeals:

The Indiana Court of Appeals has reversed a man's conviction for operating a motor vehicle while suspended, saying the state didn't prove the moped he was riding was a motor vehicle under state law.

Court documents say Michael Lock was arrested in Huntington County in June 2009 after a state trooper saw him driving a Yamaha Zuma at 43 mph. Lock's license had been suspended.

Lock argued the Zuma wasn't a motor vehicle under Indiana law, which excludes mopeds.

And then this, from Frankfort:

An effort to make golf carts street legal for Frankfort residents got rolling Monday night.

An ordinance that would let licensed Frankfort drivers who are at least 18 years old to operate golf carts during certain hours of the day passed its first reading with a 5-2 vote during the council's regular meeting.

The ordinance, which requires three votes to become official, says the carts would need to undergo several modifications and would be subject to all of the same traffic laws as traditional motor vehicles.

The DUI-cited on mopeds and old geezers in golf carts. No chain-reaction pileups there, no siree! H


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