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Dog days

Don't you just love fanatic fringe groups who hide behind respectable names?

Instead of grouping hot dogs with Mom and apple pie, a national medical group wants you to consider them as bad for your health as cigarettes.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a Washington, D.C., group that promotes preventive medicine and a vegan diet, unveiled a billboard Monday near the Indianapolis Motor Speedway with the advisory: “Warning: Hot dogs can wreck your health.”


The billboard features a picture of hot dogs in a cigarette pack inscribed with skull and crossbones. It aims to increase awareness of a link between colorectal cancer and hot dogs.


Hot dogs, like cigarettes, should come with a “warning label that helps racing fans and other consumers understand the health risk,” said Susan Levin, the committee's nutrition education director.

Hot dogs are lower in nutritional value than a lot of other things we eat, but aren't going to do much damage when eaten in moderation. However, if you're a group that "promotes a vegan diet," letting the rabble think that logically is not an option.


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