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Tell it, Mitch.

House Speaker John Boehner is announcing that Mitxch Daniels will be giving the Republican response to the State of the Union speech next week. From his remarks:

“Mitch Daniels is a fierce advocate for smaller, less costly, and more accountable government, and has the record to prove it,” Speaker Boehner said. “As governor, he has turned deficits into surplus, reformed government from top to bottom, and created a better environment for private-sector job creation.  For making tough choices and keeping his promises, Mitch Daniels is the right choice at the right time to deliver the Republican response to President Obama’s address.”

Impressive. That man should run for president or something. Oh, wait.

I continue to be mystified by speculation that Daniels might consider seeking the vice presidency. His reasons for not running for the top spot -- too time-consuming, family against it -- would seem to apply to the veep's job, too.


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