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Taking home the bacon

Boy, here's a crime you wouldn't get in the lah-tee-dah coastal enclaves:

Four people were arrested in Mercy County on Tuesday for stealing farm animals.

[. . .]

Mercer County Sheriff Jeff Grey said that his office had received several reports in the last few weeks indicating the theft of hogs from a farm on the Ohio-Indiana state line.

An investigation determined Ricky and Chad Crouch were removing hogs from the barn and taking them to 600 North in Bryant.  Both Lisa and Christina Crouch were arrested at a local livestock company in possession of the stolen hogs, attempting to sell them.

Hang the ornery Buckeye hog-rustlin' varmits! I can a great movie in this. The trail-weary cowboys, er, pigboys take their eyes off the herd, and the evil Crouch gang rides up and starts shooting, causing a stampede. Have you ever seen a hog stampede? Not pretty, I tell you.


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